Cave Drawings and Campfire Conversations

Fri, October 6th, 2023

How to Relocalize Creativity in your Neighbourhood

You are invited to join Kerry Turner and Marc Pierson at the Schumacher Institute for a campfire conversation to discover the power of causal loop diagrams: A cave drawing tool fit for the 21st century.

This will take place on Tuesday 17 October 2023 10am-3pm (UK) at the Schumacher Institute, Bristol, UK.  The morning session from 10.00 to 12.00 (UK) will be hybrid – available through a Zoom link.

Kerry and Marc’s brainchild, “Relocalize Creativity", is about enabling us all to use casual loop diagrams to see the system that is our neighbourhood. This enables us to identify leverage points, make informed choices and act together to become more creative and resilient. Our aim is to take this one idea to one million neighbourhoods - one neighbourhood at a time via an exponential spread model we call SODOTO: See One, Do One, Teach One. This will enable us to rebalance the power between civil society, business and government.

This workshop is open to all but community organisers and activists are especially encouraged to attend. You are invited to participate in person or virtually. We ask only that participants commit to paying forward by seeing one, doing one and teaching one.

Kerry and Marc are sharing their time and expertise for free. We ask that after the workshop you consider what it is worth to you and provide a donation to the Schumacher Institute. This will cover the expenses to hold this event and any excess will be used to fund future events at the institute.

Book here