Although all these courses have been prepared and are available for webinars or live presentation to groups, the recordings and documentation for our learning management system are still in progress. Please see the text: "buy now", "coming soon" or "please enquire" for this status. This is being regularly updated and other courses will be added.
Displaying 1 - 31 of 31

starting now
STP1. SCiO/Cherith Simmons Systems Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship Levy (England only) Level 7 System Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship Its not too late to register for the cohort starting at the end of January 2025. The programme is delivered over 24 months combining pre-recorded training material, highly interactive virtual workshops, progressive work-based assessments and improvement projects, individual tutoring and mentoring. It will be delivered by some of the world’s

STP1. SCiO/Cherith Simmons Systems Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship
Level 7 System Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship Its not too late to register for the cohort starting at the end of January 2025. The programme is delivered over 24 months combining pre-recorded training material, highly interactive virtual workshops, progressive work-based assessments and improvement projects, individual tutoring and mentoring. It will be delivered by some of the world’s...
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Course is online
United Kingdom
Apprenticeship Levy (England only)

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Viable System Model
introduction (VSM1 - 1d)
£200 pre-recorded This course provides learners with an overview of the Viable System Model covering: Overview of VSM Basic modelling using VSM We work on a case example to model a hospital using VSM. The case is drawn from real life. If you don’t know how to design an organisation to deliver your strategy, or how structural change happens in organisations, how effective can you be in implementing your strategy

Viable System Model
introduction (VSM1 - 1d)
This course provides learners with an overview of the Viable System Model covering: Overview of VSM Basic modelling using VSM We work on a case example to model a hospital using VSM. The case is drawn from real life. If you don’t know how to design an organisation to deliver your strategy, or how structural change happens in organisations, how effective can you be in implementing your strategy...
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Course is online
£200 pre-recorded

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Viable System Model
core (VSM2 - 1d)
£200 pre-recorded VSM2 - Organisational diagnosis: VSM2 can be taken together with VSM3, or separately. Together they provide learners with a working knowledge of the Viable System Model and the ability to use it for understanding, diagnosing and designing organisational systems covering: 2 approaches for diagnosing systems using VSM; Use of system archetypes; 3 approaches for system design using VSM. If you don’t

Viable System Model
core (VSM2 - 1d)
VSM2 - Organisational diagnosis: VSM2 can be taken together with VSM3, or separately. Together they provide learners with a working knowledge of the Viable System Model and the ability to use it for understanding, diagnosing and designing organisational systems covering: 2 approaches for diagnosing systems using VSM; Use of system archetypes; 3 approaches for system design using VSM. If you don’t...
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Course is online
£200 pre-recorded

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Viable System Model
core (VSM3 - 1d)
£200 pre-recorded VSM3 - Organisation design: VSM3 can be taken together with VSM2, or separately. Together they provide learners with a working knowledge of the Viable System Model and the ability to use it for understanding, diagnosing and designing organisational systems covering: 2 approaches for diagnosing systems using VSM; Use of system archetypes; 3 approaches for system design using VSM. If you don’t know

Viable System Model
core (VSM3 - 1d)
VSM3 - Organisation design: VSM3 can be taken together with VSM2, or separately. Together they provide learners with a working knowledge of the Viable System Model and the ability to use it for understanding, diagnosing and designing organisational systems covering: 2 approaches for diagnosing systems using VSM; Use of system archetypes; 3 approaches for system design using VSM. If you don’t know...
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£200 pre-recorded

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Viable System Model
advanced (VSM4 - 1d)
VSM4 is one of two courses that are designed for more advanced practitioners and will cover: Understanding and managing organisational complexity using the Viable System Model Modelling multi-organisational systems using VSM Organisations exist to help us to do things that are more complex than we can carry out on our own, so understanding how they do that is critical in both problem solving and

Viable System Model
advanced (VSM4 - 1d)
VSM4 is one of two courses that are designed for more advanced practitioners and will cover: Understanding and managing organisational complexity using the Viable System Model Modelling multi-organisational systems using VSM Organisations exist to help us to do things that are more complex than we can carry out on our own, so understanding how they do that is critical in both problem solving and...
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Viable System Model
advanced (VSM5 - 1d)
VSM5 is one of two courses that are designed for more advanced practitioners and will cover: Underlying systems principles and laws in VSM; Using VSM with other systems approaches. Organisations exist to help us to do things that are more complex than we can carry out on our own, so understanding how they do that is critical in both problem solving and design. Complexity is now widely cited as a

Viable System Model
advanced (VSM5 - 1d)
VSM5 is one of two courses that are designed for more advanced practitioners and will cover: Underlying systems principles and laws in VSM; Using VSM with other systems approaches. Organisations exist to help us to do things that are more complex than we can carry out on our own, so understanding how they do that is critical in both problem solving and design. Complexity is now widely cited as a...
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Critical Systems Heuristics
introduction (CSH1 - 0.5d)
£100 pre-recorded This course provides learners with an introduction to the Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) method. The course offers a grounding in the thinking behind the method, its concepts and terms, its practical application in understanding boundary issues, and how it helps to identify what’s important in driving change in a problematic situation. Trainer The training is presented by Tony Korycki, a

Critical Systems Heuristics
introduction (CSH1 - 0.5d)
This course provides learners with an introduction to the Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) method. The course offers a grounding in the thinking behind the method, its concepts and terms, its practical application in understanding boundary issues, and how it helps to identify what’s important in driving change in a problematic situation. Trainer The training is presented by Tony Korycki, a...
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£100 pre-recorded

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Critical Systems Heuristics
core (CSH2-5 - 1.5d)
£300 pre-recorded The Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) core modules are designed for those relatively new to systems thinking and provides training in modelling organisational or institutional situations using CSH. You’ll develop an understanding of problematic situations, following a structured approach, with a series of steps to take you through required concepts and modelling. Examples and case study materials

Critical Systems Heuristics
core (CSH2-5 - 1.5d)
The Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) core modules are designed for those relatively new to systems thinking and provides training in modelling organisational or institutional situations using CSH. You’ll develop an understanding of problematic situations, following a structured approach, with a series of steps to take you through required concepts and modelling. Examples and case study materials...
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£300 pre-recorded

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Critical Systems Heuristics
advanced (CSH6 - 0.5d)
£100 pre-recorded The advanced course provides learners with the knowledge and skills required for integrating the use of CSH. It covers: application of CSH at different scales from a single team to a multi-organisation or institutional system, how the underlying Systems Laws and Concepts are embodied in the CSH method, handling participation issues and multiple perspectives when engaging with stakeholders, ways to

Critical Systems Heuristics
advanced (CSH6 - 0.5d)
The advanced course provides learners with the knowledge and skills required for integrating the use of CSH. It covers: application of CSH at different scales from a single team to a multi-organisation or institutional system, how the underlying Systems Laws and Concepts are embodied in the CSH method, handling participation issues and multiple perspectives when engaging with stakeholders, ways to...
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£100 pre-recorded

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System Dynamics
introduction (SD1 - 1d)
£200 pre-recorded System Dynamics (SD) is the use of working, quantified simulation models that replicate the causal structure and time-behaviour of the organisation, function or issue of concern. Effectively a “digital twin” of that enterprise or issue, an SD model makes explicit why past performance has followed the path that it has, projects likely future performance, and enables testing of alternative scenarios

System Dynamics
introduction (SD1 - 1d)
System Dynamics (SD) is the use of working, quantified simulation models that replicate the causal structure and time-behaviour of the organisation, function or issue of concern. Effectively a “digital twin” of that enterprise or issue, an SD model makes explicit why past performance has followed the path that it has, projects likely future performance, and enables testing of alternative scenarios...
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£200 pre-recorded

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System Dynamics
core (SD essentials)
£350 pre-recorded This is the ‘Essentials Plan’ for the ‘Dynamic Business Modelling Core Course’ offered by Kim Warren through Strategy Dynamics and basically comprises the core modules he offers as part of the SCiO Apprenticeship bundle. Follow the link from the enquire button and scroll down to select The Essentials bundle . Class 1: Specifying your desired performance outcomes: Creating time-charts of past

System Dynamics
core (SD essentials)
This is the ‘Essentials Plan’ for the ‘Dynamic Business Modelling Core Course’ offered by Kim Warren through Strategy Dynamics and basically comprises the core modules he offers as part of the SCiO Apprenticeship bundle. Follow the link from the enquire button and scroll down to select The Essentials bundle . Class 1: Specifying your desired performance outcomes: Creating time-charts of past...
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Course is online
£350 pre-recorded

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System Dynamics
advanced (SD extension)
£350 each pre-recorded The extension classes add a set of frameworks and models to tackle common important issues or to enrich Core models. There are six courses in the ‘Business Modelling : Extension Classes’ offered by Kim Warren through Strategy Dynamics. They can be taken together as a bundle for £1950, or separately for £350 each. Click on the titles for more details and to book each individually. The six courses

System Dynamics
advanced (SD extension)
The extension classes add a set of frameworks and models to tackle common important issues or to enrich Core models. There are six courses in the ‘Business Modelling : Extension Classes’ offered by Kim Warren through Strategy Dynamics. They can be taken together as a bundle for £1950, or separately for £350 each. Click on the titles for more details and to book each individually. The six courses...
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Course is online
£350 each pre-recorded

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Soft Systems Methodology
core (SSM2 - 1.5d)
£300 pre-recorded This is a core training course, designed for those relatively new to systems thinking and provides basic training in modelling organisational or institutional situations using SSM. You’ll develop an understanding of a methodology that offers a pluralistic methodology to your inquiry into problematic situations. The whole methodology may be deployed to gain a richer appreciation of systemically

Soft Systems Methodology
core (SSM2 - 1.5d)
This is a core training course, designed for those relatively new to systems thinking and provides basic training in modelling organisational or institutional situations using SSM. You’ll develop an understanding of a methodology that offers a pluralistic methodology to your inquiry into problematic situations. The whole methodology may be deployed to gain a richer appreciation of systemically...
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Course is online
£300 pre-recorded

please enquire
Soft Systems Methodology
advanced (SSM3 - 1.0d)
This advanced course continues our exploration of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) as a powerful tool for engaging in problem situations perceived as being problematic. The course covers the use of SSM to inquire into the process of delivering an intervention as well as the content of that intervention build consensual primary task models that help structure debates and clarify objectives in complex

Soft Systems Methodology
advanced (SSM3 - 1.0d)
This advanced course continues our exploration of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) as a powerful tool for engaging in problem situations perceived as being problematic. The course covers the use of SSM to inquire into the process of delivering an intervention as well as the content of that intervention build consensual primary task models that help structure debates and clarify objectives in complex...
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Patterns of Strategy
introduction (PoS1 - 1d)
£200 pre-recorded "The Patterns of Strategy Framework" course provides learners with an overview of the Patterns of Strategy approach. Patterns of Strategy is a revolutionary approach to developing business strategy. It’s effective and simple to use, yet extremely powerful. Conventional approaches to strategy fail to deliver than 70% of the time (and more than 90%, according to some surveys) because they don’t take

Patterns of Strategy
introduction (PoS1 - 1d)
"The Patterns of Strategy Framework" course provides learners with an overview of the Patterns of Strategy approach. Patterns of Strategy is a revolutionary approach to developing business strategy. It’s effective and simple to use, yet extremely powerful. Conventional approaches to strategy fail to deliver than 70% of the time (and more than 90%, according to some surveys) because they don’t take...
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Course is online
£200 pre-recorded

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Patterns of Strategy
core (PoS2 - 1d)
£200 pre-recorded "Developing Strategy" is the first of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS2, we continue building skill in its use by exploring strategy in different relationships and from different perspectives. You might be

Patterns of Strategy
core (PoS2 - 1d)
"Developing Strategy" is the first of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS2, we continue building skill in its use by exploring strategy in different relationships and from different perspectives. You might be...
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£200 pre-recorded

coming soon
Patterns of Strategy
core (PoS3 - 1d)
"Developing the Strategy Execution Plan" is the second of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS3, we’ll explain how to handle the practicalities of moving from strategy development to planning and execution. That

Patterns of Strategy
core (PoS3 - 1d)
"Developing the Strategy Execution Plan" is the second of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS3, we’ll explain how to handle the practicalities of moving from strategy development to planning and execution. That...
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Patterns of Strategy
advanced (PoS4&5 - 2d)
These workshops are the two advanced modules of PoS and build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1) and core (PoS2&3). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy which integrates seamlessly with other core systems approaches for modelling the ecosystem of which your organisation is a part, designing transformation and understanding the capabilities of an

Patterns of Strategy
advanced (PoS4&5 - 2d)
These workshops are the two advanced modules of PoS and build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1) and core (PoS2&3). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy which integrates seamlessly with other core systems approaches for modelling the ecosystem of which your organisation is a part, designing transformation and understanding the capabilities of an...
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Systems Laws & Principles
part 1 (SLP1 - 1d)
£200 pre-recorded This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 1 This one day course will cover

Systems Laws & Principles
part 1 (SLP1 - 1d)
This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 1 This one day course will cover...
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Course is online
£200 pre-recorded

please enquire
Systems Laws & Principles
part 2 (SLP2 - 1d)
This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 2 This one day course will cover

Systems Laws & Principles
part 2 (SLP2 - 1d)
This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 2 This one day course will cover...
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Course is online

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Systems Laws & Principles
part 3 (SLP3 - 1d)
This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 3 This one day course will cover

Systems Laws & Principles
part 3 (SLP3 - 1d)
This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 3 This one day course will cover...
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Course is online

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Systems Laws & Principles
part 4 (SLP4 - 1d)
This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 4 This one day course will cover

Systems Laws & Principles
part 4 (SLP4 - 1d)
This course is about two things: how to think like a systems thinker and the systems Laws and Principles that underpin the better known Systems approaches. This interactive course will take you through both 9 thinking disciplines essential to being a Systems Thinker and 33 Systems Laws and Principles. The course is divided into four parts: Systems Laws & Principles 4 This one day course will cover...
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Data & Information
Introduction to Gathering Information (0.5d)
£100 pre-recorded A half-day course that will introduce learners to gathering information within systems thinking interventions and practice. The purpose of the session to enable learners to plan and conduct collaborative and systemic enquiry as part of a wider intervention or change project. It will include theory and definitions, tools, and some discussions and group work. We will consider the position and role

Data & Information
Introduction to Gathering Information (0.5d)
A half-day course that will introduce learners to gathering information within systems thinking interventions and practice. The purpose of the session to enable learners to plan and conduct collaborative and systemic enquiry as part of a wider intervention or change project. It will include theory and definitions, tools, and some discussions and group work. We will consider the position and role...
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Course is online
£100 pre-recorded

coming soon
Data & Information
Assessment and Evaluation (0.5d)
A half-day course on assessment and evaluation, with particular focus on integrating these into an overall intervention plan. We will cover frameworks and approaches for determining outcomes and impact, developing and implementing suitable monitoring and evaluation criteria and mechanisms, and consider not only progress and outcomes but for also evaluating the effectiveness and impact of

Data & Information
Assessment and Evaluation (0.5d)
A half-day course on assessment and evaluation, with particular focus on integrating these into an overall intervention plan. We will cover frameworks and approaches for determining outcomes and impact, developing and implementing suitable monitoring and evaluation criteria and mechanisms, and consider not only progress and outcomes but for also evaluating the effectiveness and impact of...
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coming soon
Managing Systems Interventions
Introduction to Interventions - Foundation (0.5d)
Exploring Complex Situations Collaboratively - Foundation This half-day course will introduce learners to a life-cycle approach to managing an intervention: the action of becoming intentionally involved in a complex situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse . It will introduce learners to the concepts of systems, thinking, practice and practise within the context of a

Managing Systems Interventions
Introduction to Interventions - Foundation (0.5d)
Exploring Complex Situations Collaboratively - Foundation This half-day course will introduce learners to a life-cycle approach to managing an intervention: the action of becoming intentionally involved in a complex situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse . It will introduce learners to the concepts of systems, thinking, practice and practise within the context of a...
coming soon
Course is online

coming soon
Managing Systems Interventions
Consulting for Systems Interventions (a) - (0.5d)
This course will provide learners with key principles and a structure for interventions. Topics covered include: The five phases of the consultative process; ‘Techniques are not enough’: relationships in consulting; Dealing with ‘the space of service’; Setting up a clear ‘contract’ for interventions – including triangular and rectangular contracting; Authenticity and setting your assumptions; The

Managing Systems Interventions
Consulting for Systems Interventions (a) - (0.5d)
This course will provide learners with key principles and a structure for interventions. Topics covered include: The five phases of the consultative process; ‘Techniques are not enough’: relationships in consulting; Dealing with ‘the space of service’; Setting up a clear ‘contract’ for interventions – including triangular and rectangular contracting; Authenticity and setting your assumptions; The...
coming soon
Course is online

coming soon
Managing Systems Interventions
Consulting for Systems Interventions (b) - (0.5d)
This course provides learners with a deeper understanding of: Discovery and research into the client system; Power questions, layers of analysis, and objectifying ‘the system’; Research and action-based approaches; Third-party and whole systems approaches; Maintaining the balance of responsibility for deep engagement; Structuring analysis and feedback, developing commitment; Choosing dirty or

Managing Systems Interventions
Consulting for Systems Interventions (b) - (0.5d)
This course provides learners with a deeper understanding of: Discovery and research into the client system; Power questions, layers of analysis, and objectifying ‘the system’; Research and action-based approaches; Third-party and whole systems approaches; Maintaining the balance of responsibility for deep engagement; Structuring analysis and feedback, developing commitment; Choosing dirty or...
coming soon
Course is online

coming soon
Influencing stakeholders
Facilitation Skills for Systems Interventions (0.5d)
This course provides learners with an understanding of the facilitation relationship in the context of systems intervention itself, and of the challenges it brings. It introduces a range of tools and practices for facilitation and provides guidance on workshop planning. Finally, it compares various approaches to facilitation, enabling learners to develop a stronger sense of the kind of facilitator

Influencing stakeholders
Facilitation Skills for Systems Interventions (0.5d)
This course provides learners with an understanding of the facilitation relationship in the context of systems intervention itself, and of the challenges it brings. It introduces a range of tools and practices for facilitation and provides guidance on workshop planning. Finally, it compares various approaches to facilitation, enabling learners to develop a stronger sense of the kind of facilitator...
coming soon
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please enquire
Influencing stakeholders
Workshop Design (0.5d)
This module provides learners with an understanding of the design of workshops and relevant considerations, taking into account the potentially very different contexts and definitions of what a ‘workshop’ is. It introduces a range of tools and approaches for workshop design, building on the facilitation module. It gives tools to consider evaluation and learning about workshop design, and compares

Influencing stakeholders
Workshop Design (0.5d)
This module provides learners with an understanding of the design of workshops and relevant considerations, taking into account the potentially very different contexts and definitions of what a ‘workshop’ is. It introduces a range of tools and approaches for workshop design, building on the facilitation module. It gives tools to consider evaluation and learning about workshop design, and compares...
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Influencing stakeholders
Stakeholder Engagement - Productive Conversations (1d)
This training programme could equally be called ‘honest conversations’, ‘difficult conversations’, ‘constructive conversations’, or ‘challenging conversations’. Fundamental to the success and flavour of organisational life – and systems practice interventions – are the quality of conversations we are able to have. If we can develop an honest and shared attempt to get at shared understanding –

Influencing stakeholders
Stakeholder Engagement - Productive Conversations (1d)
This training programme could equally be called ‘honest conversations’, ‘difficult conversations’, ‘constructive conversations’, or ‘challenging conversations’. Fundamental to the success and flavour of organisational life – and systems practice interventions – are the quality of conversations we are able to have. If we can develop an honest and shared attempt to get at shared understanding –...
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Influencing stakeholders
Large Group Interventions (1.0d)
In a classic 2005 article, ‘Techniques to Match our Values’, Weisbord set out the ‘learning curve’, with a movement from ‘experts solve problems’ to ‘’everybody’ solves problems’ to ‘experts improve whole systems’ to ‘’everybody’ improves whole systems’. Inherent in the development of systems practice from the start has been recognition of ‘the whole’, which comes in various forms from group

Influencing stakeholders
Large Group Interventions (1.0d)
In a classic 2005 article, ‘Techniques to Match our Values’, Weisbord set out the ‘learning curve’, with a movement from ‘experts solve problems’ to ‘’everybody’ solves problems’ to ‘experts improve whole systems’ to ‘’everybody’ improves whole systems’. Inherent in the development of systems practice from the start has been recognition of ‘the whole’, which comes in various forms from group...
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