
Critical Systems Thinking: A Practitioner's Guide

RRP: £31.15; Hardback: ‎ 256 pp; Publisher: ‎ Wiley; ISBN 978-1394203574 Understand the full range of systems approaches and how to use them with this innovative overview. Leaders and managers face increasing complexity and uncertainty because technical, organizational, socio-cultural, political, and environmental issues have become intensely interconnected. Systems thinking is recognized as the...
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Critical Systems Thinking: A Practitioner's Guide

RRP: £31.15; Hardback: ‎ 256 pp; Publisher: ‎ Wiley; ISBN 978-1394203574 Understand the full range of systems approaches and how to use them with this innovative overview. Leaders and managers face increasing complexity and uncertainty because technical, organizational, socio-cultural, political, and environmental issues have become intensely interconnected. Systems thinking is recognized as the...

Systeemidynamiikan soveltaminen organisaatioiden kehittämisessä

Systeemidynamiikan työkalut auttavat organisaatiota ymmärtämään monimutkaisia yhteyksiä ja riippuvuuksia toimintaympäristössään sekä ennakoimaan päätösten ja toimintamallien pitkän aikavälin vaikutuksia. Auttamalla tunnistamaan ja ymmärtämään takaisinkytkentöjä ja niiden vaikutuksia organisaation toimintaan, ne tukevat tulevaisuuden eri mahdollisuuksien hahmottamista ja valmistautumista niihin...
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Systeemidynamiikan soveltaminen organisaatioiden kehittämisessä

Systeemidynamiikan työkalut auttavat organisaatiota ymmärtämään monimutkaisia yhteyksiä ja riippuvuuksia toimintaympäristössään sekä ennakoimaan päätösten ja toimintamallien pitkän aikavälin vaikutuksia. Auttamalla tunnistamaan ja ymmärtämään takaisinkytkentöjä ja niiden vaikutuksia organisaation toimintaan, ne tukevat tulevaisuuden eri mahdollisuuksien hahmottamista ja valmistautumista niihin...
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What's Stopping Us Stopping Climate Change? - a Systems Thinking answer

The operations of the world are dominated by two artificial human creations: corporations and states. Corporations mostly operate according to the precepts of the global monetary system and neoliberal economics, where money is all and the environment an externality. States attempt regulation for the latter, but are neutered by the system of preferential lobbying. Despite wetter and hotter warnings...
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What's Stopping Us Stopping Climate Change? - a Systems Thinking answer

The operations of the world are dominated by two artificial human creations: corporations and states. Corporations mostly operate according to the precepts of the global monetary system and neoliberal economics, where money is all and the environment an externality. States attempt regulation for the latter, but are neutered by the system of preferential lobbying. Despite wetter and hotter warnings...
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How to Transform Organisations by Managing Tensions, not People

Russ presents the findings from his doctoral research into managers as agents of change across large organisations. Essentially, the five behaviours that update the role of the manager from guardian of a resource (project, team, or department) to transformer of the system. How would their bosses measure that, you may ask. The answer is ‘ambidexterity’ – being good at both exploring new knowledge...
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How to Transform Organisations by Managing Tensions, not People

Russ presents the findings from his doctoral research into managers as agents of change across large organisations. Essentially, the five behaviours that update the role of the manager from guardian of a resource (project, team, or department) to transformer of the system. How would their bosses measure that, you may ask. The answer is ‘ambidexterity’ – being good at both exploring new knowledge...
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The Viability of 'Alternative' Systems

Forming alternatives to established economic, technological or political systems, whatever their composition of organisations or institutions, can be difficult, and such alternatives can be susceptible or vulnerable to the 'establishment'. This presentation explores how we can use the Viable System Model as a diagnostic, from data gathered about a number of outsider organisations through dialogue...
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The Viability of 'Alternative' Systems

Forming alternatives to established economic, technological or political systems, whatever their composition of organisations or institutions, can be difficult, and such alternatives can be susceptible or vulnerable to the 'establishment'. This presentation explores how we can use the Viable System Model as a diagnostic, from data gathered about a number of outsider organisations through dialogue...
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0:31 +Q

Running a systemic intervention in Government – a new practitioners perspective

As a new systems practitioner, designing and running a systemic intervention requires not just new knowledge, but also a broad skill set. Using a worked example, this talk will explore how the intervention was designed and implemented, what felt really important in that work, and what impact this all has on the viability of the organisation.
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0:31 +Q

Running a systemic intervention in Government – a new practitioners perspective

As a new systems practitioner, designing and running a systemic intervention requires not just new knowledge, but also a broad skill set. Using a worked example, this talk will explore how the intervention was designed and implemented, what felt really important in that work, and what impact this all has on the viability of the organisation.
Confidential – Members Only
0:28 +Q

Cave Drawings and Campfire Conversations: Relocalizing Creativity in your Neighbourhood

Abstract: The “Relocalize Creativity" initiative aims to empower citizens to use causal loop diagrams to see the system that is their community. This enables them to have more meaningful conversations, identify leverage points, make informed choices and act together to become more creative and resilient learning communities. Our aim is to take this one idea to one million neighbourhoods - one...
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0:28 +Q

Cave Drawings and Campfire Conversations: Relocalizing Creativity in your Neighbourhood

Abstract: The “Relocalize Creativity" initiative aims to empower citizens to use causal loop diagrams to see the system that is their community. This enables them to have more meaningful conversations, identify leverage points, make informed choices and act together to become more creative and resilient learning communities. Our aim is to take this one idea to one million neighbourhoods - one...
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Beyond the Five Whys: Root Cause Analysis and Systems Thinking

RRP: £38.59 Hardback: ‎ 352 pp Publisher: ‎ Wiley; ISBN 978-1394191055 A straightforward explanation of root cause analysis and systems thinking, illustrating, with real-world examples and first-hand accounts, why things can ‘slip through our fingers’ and what to do to reduce the chances of things going off track. Beyond the Five Whys summarises, for the first time, many of the tried and tested...
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Beyond the Five Whys: Root Cause Analysis and Systems Thinking

RRP: £38.59 Hardback: ‎ 352 pp Publisher: ‎ Wiley; ISBN 978-1394191055 A straightforward explanation of root cause analysis and systems thinking, illustrating, with real-world examples and first-hand accounts, why things can ‘slip through our fingers’ and what to do to reduce the chances of things going off track. Beyond the Five Whys summarises, for the first time, many of the tried and tested...

Case - de sustainability aanpak van Sweco

Als drijvende kracht achter het Sustainability Program binnen Sweco heeft Kathleen Van de Werf een uniek coaching weefsel opgezet. Het is erop gericht om de verschillende projecten binnen Sweco te koppelen aan een meer omvattende ambitie: Transforming Society Together . Sweco is Europa’s grootste ingenieurs- en advies- en ontwerpbureau dat vorm geeft aan de duurzame gemeenschappen en steden van de...
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Case - de sustainability aanpak van Sweco

Als drijvende kracht achter het Sustainability Program binnen Sweco heeft Kathleen Van de Werf een uniek coaching weefsel opgezet. Het is erop gericht om de verschillende projecten binnen Sweco te koppelen aan een meer omvattende ambitie: Transforming Society Together . Sweco is Europa’s grootste ingenieurs- en advies- en ontwerpbureau dat vorm geeft aan de duurzame gemeenschappen en steden van de...
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0:33 +Q

Discovering Organisational systems - helping leaders learn to see submerged patterns of co-creation and interdependence

The session explores the discovery of organisational systems, how we can see submerged patterns of co-creation and interdependence, as well as models and paradigms for change, and how those can be challenged. It touches on the difficulties leaders have in solving problems; those they think they have, rather than those they actually have, and how leaders miss systemic patterns within their...
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0:33 +Q

Discovering Organisational systems - helping leaders learn to see submerged patterns of co-creation and interdependence

The session explores the discovery of organisational systems, how we can see submerged patterns of co-creation and interdependence, as well as models and paradigms for change, and how those can be challenged. It touches on the difficulties leaders have in solving problems; those they think they have, rather than those they actually have, and how leaders miss systemic patterns within their...
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0:39 +Q

Mosaic Transformation

Being able to understanding how to 'change' a system, be it organisational, institutional or social, is vital for anyone involved in a systemic inquiry or intervention. The session will outline how this can be achieved, from a practical perspective.
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0:39 +Q

Mosaic Transformation

Being able to understanding how to 'change' a system, be it organisational, institutional or social, is vital for anyone involved in a systemic inquiry or intervention. The session will outline how this can be achieved, from a practical perspective.
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