
From Human Capital to Social Equity

January 2016

Businesses have become very efficient at managing individuals in the form of human capital - defined as the skills, knowledge and experience of individual employees within the company. In the past, with relatively stable markets, this was adequate, but the current competitiveness in our markets have put pressures upon our margins as well as the need to respond quicker to our customers. It is therefore no longer sufficient to manage the individual assets within the business. In the knowledge economy of the 21st century businesses must manage the inter-connected assets of their business moving it away from the individual and its associated cost paradigm to the network and its new value paradigm. This new network is what we term Social capital ad is what connects various forms of human capital. It is how we organise this human capital which will determine our future competitiveness. This talk will give you insights in how BT has taken on this challenge by the transformative fusion of sensing, computing, cybernetics and biological Stigmergy.

Stephen J Brewis CEng is Chief Research Scientist at BT Innovate and Design. Scot Nelson is General Manager, Organisational Transformation at BT.

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