
The New Transformational Leadership Mindset

July 2016

We live in a world of digital transformation, where ongoing change is disrupting organisations and business models. It is challenging and disrupting us as leaders or agents of change. It can inspire a pioneer mindset, to be excited and energized to find and build the future. It can be stressful, with too much to do, and too little time. It’s a VUCA world - volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.

In his talk, Willson will take a fresh look at the new leadership mindset that is required. He will talk about the need for leaders to become agents of change, to be authentic, and able to draw on new and different capabilities to work more flexibly and mindfully with the unknown, the emergent and unpredictable. He will draw on his insights from complexity theory, Theory U and transformational leadership, and integrate these with his direct experience as an OD and leadership development practitioner. The latest insights generated through his work with “smart mobs” will also be presented, to share the wisdom and knowledge of people working in digital transformation. The talk will explore key capabilities for leaders today - to be authentic, to inspire, to set ambitious goals, and to be empathic.

Willson Hau is a facilitator of change, leadership coach, and organisational development consultant, with an active interest in authentic and embodied leadership. He has 30 years’ experience of working in the technology and digital space with companies including BT, Reuters, Gartner Group, Samsung and Compaq, and brings multiple perspectives into the challenges of digital talent, leadership and digital transformation. He was educated at Cambridge University and completed his MBA at Cass Business School. He is co-founder and director of Digital Talent @Work, a change and leadership consultancy that puts people at the heart of digital transformation.

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