0:51 +Q

Wicked Problems in Design and Ethics

One of the most important intersections between design and systems is their shared concern for ethics. When we think of ethical considerations in either context, we often do so in terms of applied ethics—as the application of ethical insight to guide practice, addressing issues such professional standards of conduct, and our relationships to the environment and to each other. There are, however...
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0:51 +Q

Wicked Problems in Design and Ethics

One of the most important intersections between design and systems is their shared concern for ethics. When we think of ethical considerations in either context, we often do so in terms of applied ethics—as the application of ethical insight to guide practice, addressing issues such professional standards of conduct, and our relationships to the environment and to each other. There are, however...
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Productive Organisational Paradoxes

It is often said that organisations are full of paradoxes. But this refers to contradictions and tensions. It is understood as something that needs to be taken care of. When organisations are looked at as social systems, however, it becomes clear that they are only possible because of paradoxes, and particularly paradoxes of self-reference. Understanding how these paradoxes create and maintain...
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Productive Organisational Paradoxes

It is often said that organisations are full of paradoxes. But this refers to contradictions and tensions. It is understood as something that needs to be taken care of. When organisations are looked at as social systems, however, it becomes clear that they are only possible because of paradoxes, and particularly paradoxes of self-reference. Understanding how these paradoxes create and maintain...
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0:33 +Q

Predicting Organizational Crisis using the VSM

This session looks at organizational crisis – one that poses an existential threat to an organization, and at the VSM conditions, which can be used to understand and predict such organisational crises. The findings of a quantitative phd-study with 135 organizations shows that the (absence of) system viability is significantly and strongly connected with the occurrence of Organisational crisis. We...
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0:33 +Q

Predicting Organizational Crisis using the VSM

This session looks at organizational crisis – one that poses an existential threat to an organization, and at the VSM conditions, which can be used to understand and predict such organisational crises. The findings of a quantitative phd-study with 135 organizations shows that the (absence of) system viability is significantly and strongly connected with the occurrence of Organisational crisis. We...
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Reconnecting Severed Heads: a case for subjective-empiricism in systemic intervention

This will be an interactive workshop session. I give first-person inquiry (critical self-reflection/reflexion) prominence alongside second and third person inquiry, and I express the emotional experience of being in a research process. I thus avoid the ‘severed head’ syndrome (abstracted rational thinking) advocated in the Academy, which demands the partial or total separation of the Self from the...
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Reconnecting Severed Heads: a case for subjective-empiricism in systemic intervention

This will be an interactive workshop session. I give first-person inquiry (critical self-reflection/reflexion) prominence alongside second and third person inquiry, and I express the emotional experience of being in a research process. I thus avoid the ‘severed head’ syndrome (abstracted rational thinking) advocated in the Academy, which demands the partial or total separation of the Self from the...

Inverting the pyramid

Sooner or later, most Agile teams find that it’s hard to sustain change, and harder to still to encourage the wider organisation to change with it. How about we turned it upside down, inverting the organisational pyramid so that supporting change becomes the organisation’s responsibility? How might we make that work?
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Inverting the pyramid

Sooner or later, most Agile teams find that it’s hard to sustain change, and harder to still to encourage the wider organisation to change with it. How about we turned it upside down, inverting the organisational pyramid so that supporting change becomes the organisation’s responsibility? How might we make that work?
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Mind the Gap! The missing body of knowledge and methodology for assessing peoples’ systems thinking capability

Both the academic and corporate literature recognise the value of systems thinking in helping today’s decision makers address the socially complex and dynamic challenges they face. However, as systems thinking is an emerging professional practice there are a number of requirements for a body of knowledge to enable organisations and decision makers to develop staff, or access external resources...
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Mind the Gap! The missing body of knowledge and methodology for assessing peoples’ systems thinking capability

Both the academic and corporate literature recognise the value of systems thinking in helping today’s decision makers address the socially complex and dynamic challenges they face. However, as systems thinking is an emerging professional practice there are a number of requirements for a body of knowledge to enable organisations and decision makers to develop staff, or access external resources...

The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education

RRP: £22.42 Paperback : 240 pages ISBN : 0262535939 Publisher : MIT Press; third edition (5 Oct. 2018) Language: : English A new edition of a book that details the system of transformation underlying the 14 Points for Management presented in Deming's Out of the Crisis. It would be better if everyone would work together as a system, with the aim for everybody to win. What we need is cooperation and...
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The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education

RRP: £22.42 Paperback : 240 pages ISBN : 0262535939 Publisher : MIT Press; third edition (5 Oct. 2018) Language: : English A new edition of a book that details the system of transformation underlying the 14 Points for Management presented in Deming's Out of the Crisis. It would be better if everyone would work together as a system, with the aim for everybody to win. What we need is cooperation and...

Kybernetik, Lean, Digital - für intelligente, schlanke und vernetzte Bauprojekte

RRP: 20 € Taschenbuch: 188 Seiten Verlag: Independently published (8. September 2018) Sprache: Deutsch ISBN: 1717899323 Warum sollten Sie dieses Buch lesen? Wenn Sie nach Verbindungen (zwischen Kybernetik, Lean und Digitalisierung) suchen, die bislang nicht aufgedeckt waren. Wenn sich Theorie und Praxis für Sie nicht gegenseitig ausschließen, sondern bereichern. Wenn Sie Impulse, Anregungen und...
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Kybernetik, Lean, Digital - für intelligente, schlanke und vernetzte Bauprojekte

RRP: 20 € Taschenbuch: 188 Seiten Verlag: Independently published (8. September 2018) Sprache: Deutsch ISBN: 1717899323 Warum sollten Sie dieses Buch lesen? Wenn Sie nach Verbindungen (zwischen Kybernetik, Lean und Digitalisierung) suchen, die bislang nicht aufgedeckt waren. Wenn sich Theorie und Praxis für Sie nicht gegenseitig ausschließen, sondern bereichern. Wenn Sie Impulse, Anregungen und...
0:33 +Q

The pain, the potential and the need for paracetamol: bringing systems thinking to complex soft systems for vulnerable people

Wiltshire Council has been using systems thinking as its improvement approach for eleven years; over that time the council has applied the approach with its principal delivery partners in increasingly large systems. One reason for this evolution is that the approach has proved better at tackling complex ‘hard to solve’ problems than other methods (which often did the opposite). Over the last 18...
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0:33 +Q

The pain, the potential and the need for paracetamol: bringing systems thinking to complex soft systems for vulnerable people

Wiltshire Council has been using systems thinking as its improvement approach for eleven years; over that time the council has applied the approach with its principal delivery partners in increasingly large systems. One reason for this evolution is that the approach has proved better at tackling complex ‘hard to solve’ problems than other methods (which often did the opposite). Over the last 18...
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0:48 +Q

System Dynamics in healthcare

Peter will provide insights from the use System Dynamics modelling over a 20yr career in health and social care consultancy. He will provide people with a walk through of some existing models (see here) and explore some of the pitfalls and benefits of the approach. There will be an opportunity to explore both quantitative and qualitative elements of systems and how they feature in SD modelling...
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0:48 +Q

System Dynamics in healthcare

Peter will provide insights from the use System Dynamics modelling over a 20yr career in health and social care consultancy. He will provide people with a walk through of some existing models (see here) and explore some of the pitfalls and benefits of the approach. There will be an opportunity to explore both quantitative and qualitative elements of systems and how they feature in SD modelling...
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1:13 +Q

The Cybernetics of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

In elite sport recognition skills, pattern recall and decision-making are critical success skills that impact the outcome of a game. How good the decisions are, is determined not only by the quality of information available and the quality experience athletes draw or on the athlete’s self interest, memory and outside stimulus but the relationship between the coach and the athlete.
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1:13 +Q

The Cybernetics of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

In elite sport recognition skills, pattern recall and decision-making are critical success skills that impact the outcome of a game. How good the decisions are, is determined not only by the quality of information available and the quality experience athletes draw or on the athlete’s self interest, memory and outside stimulus but the relationship between the coach and the athlete.
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0:59 +Q

Enterprise Architecture and Bi-Modal transformation

Jonathan will talk about his experiences in designing and managing IT led transformations that use a combination of both waterfall and agile approaches and the issues of dealing with these two very different project methodologies in parallel.
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0:59 +Q

Enterprise Architecture and Bi-Modal transformation

Jonathan will talk about his experiences in designing and managing IT led transformations that use a combination of both waterfall and agile approaches and the issues of dealing with these two very different project methodologies in parallel.
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Toward Valuing with Critical Systems Heuristics

Article in American Journal of Evaluation, v39 n2 p201-220 Jun 2018 [download £29] Evaluation is defined by its central task of valuing--the process and product of judging the merit, worth, or significance of a policy or program. However, there are no clear-cut ways to consider values and render value judgments in evaluation practice. There remains contention in the evaluation field about whether...
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Toward Valuing with Critical Systems Heuristics

Article in American Journal of Evaluation, v39 n2 p201-220 Jun 2018 [download £29] Evaluation is defined by its central task of valuing--the process and product of judging the merit, worth, or significance of a policy or program. However, there are no clear-cut ways to consider values and render value judgments in evaluation practice. There remains contention in the evaluation field about whether...
0:44 +Q

Adaptive Organisation Design - organising with stakeholders in mind

As companies increasingly need to collaborate to deliver large projects, and as the world of work gets evermore complex with short-term contracts and the ‘gig economy’, it is getting harder to structure organisations that are fit for purpose and adaptive to changing needs
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0:44 +Q

Adaptive Organisation Design - organising with stakeholders in mind

As companies increasingly need to collaborate to deliver large projects, and as the world of work gets evermore complex with short-term contracts and the ‘gig economy’, it is getting harder to structure organisations that are fit for purpose and adaptive to changing needs
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Using Lego® Serious Play® for problem framing and solving

This will be an interactive workshop session where Parag will introduce the science behind the Lego® Serious Play® methodology and guide the group working on a real world problem. The Lego® Serious Play® methodology is an innovative, experimental process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. It is based on research which shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning...
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Using Lego® Serious Play® for problem framing and solving

This will be an interactive workshop session where Parag will introduce the science behind the Lego® Serious Play® methodology and guide the group working on a real world problem. The Lego® Serious Play® methodology is an innovative, experimental process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. It is based on research which shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning...

Demosophia - Collective Intelligence through Structured Dialogue

John Warfield and Aleco Christakis developed the field of Interactive Management in the US in the 1980s, and Christakis subsequently evolved it into the methodology Structured Dialogic Design. In its various forms (and under different names) it has been widely applied across the globe in enabling groups to tackle wicked problems and complex challenges, but is not well known in the UK. This...
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Demosophia - Collective Intelligence through Structured Dialogue

John Warfield and Aleco Christakis developed the field of Interactive Management in the US in the 1980s, and Christakis subsequently evolved it into the methodology Structured Dialogic Design. In its various forms (and under different names) it has been widely applied across the globe in enabling groups to tackle wicked problems and complex challenges, but is not well known in the UK. This...

The Confrontation Analysis Handbook: How to Resolve Confrontations by Eliminating Dilemmas; Innovations in Wargaming Volume 3

RRP: £14.95 Paperback: 92 pages Publisher: lulu.com (26 Mar 2018) ISBN: 0244913870 Confrontation Analysis, also called dilemma analysis or drama theory, was originally devised by Professor Nigel Howard in 1997 as a way of modelling crises. Although used by UK General Rupert Smith in his 2006 book The Utility of Force, the method fell into obscurity. After 10 years work in the defence sector, the...
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The Confrontation Analysis Handbook: How to Resolve Confrontations by Eliminating Dilemmas; Innovations in Wargaming Volume 3

RRP: £14.95 Paperback: 92 pages Publisher: lulu.com (26 Mar 2018) ISBN: 0244913870 Confrontation Analysis, also called dilemma analysis or drama theory, was originally devised by Professor Nigel Howard in 1997 as a way of modelling crises. Although used by UK General Rupert Smith in his 2006 book The Utility of Force, the method fell into obscurity. After 10 years work in the defence sector, the...

Die Intelligente Organisation: Das Playbook für organisatorische Komplexität

RRP: 24,95 € Taschenbuch : 286 Seiten ISBN-10 : 3869804092 Publisher : BusinessVillage GmbH (19 Mar. 2018) Language : German In Zeiten zunehmender Dynamik erkennen immer mehr Unternehmen, dass das tayloristische „Command & Control“ nicht mehr funktioniert. Auch die Reduktion auf Teal Organisations oder Holokratie und andere Kochrezepte bringen keineswegs die erhofften Erfolge. Wir müssen erkennen...
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Die Intelligente Organisation: Das Playbook für organisatorische Komplexität

RRP: 24,95 € Taschenbuch : 286 Seiten ISBN-10 : 3869804092 Publisher : BusinessVillage GmbH (19 Mar. 2018) Language : German In Zeiten zunehmender Dynamik erkennen immer mehr Unternehmen, dass das tayloristische „Command & Control“ nicht mehr funktioniert. Auch die Reduktion auf Teal Organisations oder Holokratie und andere Kochrezepte bringen keineswegs die erhofften Erfolge. Wir müssen erkennen...

Modelling BT using the Viable System Model

Stephen will talk about the latest developments in building and using his dynamic computer based viable system model for planning and delivering change in BT.
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Modelling BT using the Viable System Model

Stephen will talk about the latest developments in building and using his dynamic computer based viable system model for planning and delivering change in BT.

Welcome to the Edge: A Model to Successfully Navigate Change

The term "edge" is more and more part of our daily language. Situations can feel "edgy" or you might declare yourself to be on the "edge of a breakthrough" (or breakdown...) Understanding Edge Theory provides us with a simple framework to work effectively with the complexities of change. This model helps teams and organisational systems to understand: WHERE they are in relation to the change, WHAT...
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Welcome to the Edge: A Model to Successfully Navigate Change

The term "edge" is more and more part of our daily language. Situations can feel "edgy" or you might declare yourself to be on the "edge of a breakthrough" (or breakdown...) Understanding Edge Theory provides us with a simple framework to work effectively with the complexities of change. This model helps teams and organisational systems to understand: WHERE they are in relation to the change, WHAT...

Testing Viability – Data Transitions

Between each of the VSM constituent systems there are feedback loops. An explanation of the nature of the kinds of processing that each feedback loop may require to support the principle of “Clear Line of Sight” on a coherent basis such that the impact of inferential distance can be reduced and at the same time detect anomalies associated with “Inversion of Control” and their impact.
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Testing Viability – Data Transitions

Between each of the VSM constituent systems there are feedback loops. An explanation of the nature of the kinds of processing that each feedback loop may require to support the principle of “Clear Line of Sight” on a coherent basis such that the impact of inferential distance can be reduced and at the same time detect anomalies associated with “Inversion of Control” and their impact.

A Mini-Primer of Critical Systems Heuristics

"Critical Systems Heuristics," also just called "Critical Heuristics" or "CSH," is a framework for reflective practice based on practical philosophy and systems thinking. The basic idea of CSH is to support boundary critique – a systematic effort of handling boundary judgments critically. Boundary judgments determine which empirical observations and value considerations count as relevant and which...
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A Mini-Primer of Critical Systems Heuristics

"Critical Systems Heuristics," also just called "Critical Heuristics" or "CSH," is a framework for reflective practice based on practical philosophy and systems thinking. The basic idea of CSH is to support boundary critique – a systematic effort of handling boundary judgments critically. Boundary judgments determine which empirical observations and value considerations count as relevant and which...

Making more meaningful models: A hands-on guide

This will be a practical session on visualising systems in ways that other people can understand. If “all models are wrong but some are useful”, we propose that some of this usefulness comes down to how meaningful the model is to those who didn’t create it. If you have ever built an elegant, powerful, predictive model of a system that excited little or no interest from the people affected by it...
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Making more meaningful models: A hands-on guide

This will be a practical session on visualising systems in ways that other people can understand. If “all models are wrong but some are useful”, we propose that some of this usefulness comes down to how meaningful the model is to those who didn’t create it. If you have ever built an elegant, powerful, predictive model of a system that excited little or no interest from the people affected by it...
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0:41 +Q

ITIL and Systems

Talks describing an investigation into ITIL and IT service management from a systems perspective. The viable systems model is here applied to IT Service Management - which is regulated in many countries by the ITIL standard. A particular focus in this talk is the cybernetic loops - the stability, adaptability and transformation loops - that function in the operations space of IT support - known as...
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0:41 +Q

ITIL and Systems

Talks describing an investigation into ITIL and IT service management from a systems perspective. The viable systems model is here applied to IT Service Management - which is regulated in many countries by the ITIL standard. A particular focus in this talk is the cybernetic loops - the stability, adaptability and transformation loops - that function in the operations space of IT support - known as...
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Meta-contextuality through the medium of Bongard games: why methods and practices depend on context

Many of us are searching for 'neat and complete' answers to the messiness and complexity of (organisational / social / economic / ecological) life. Me too, though I've always known it's impossible. Then I stumbled across Bongard games on meaningless.com thanks to Mike Haber, and discovered a way to demonstrate - through experience - why it's not possible. I'll invite you to experience the joy of...
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Meta-contextuality through the medium of Bongard games: why methods and practices depend on context

Many of us are searching for 'neat and complete' answers to the messiness and complexity of (organisational / social / economic / ecological) life. Me too, though I've always known it's impossible. Then I stumbled across Bongard games on meaningless.com thanks to Mike Haber, and discovered a way to demonstrate - through experience - why it's not possible. I'll invite you to experience the joy of...
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0:51 +Q

Fake art, bad science and what we can learn from using systems thinking to examine the mechanics of law

Stemming from the Enlightenment period, science has come to be viewed as the best way to establish truth from an objective standpoint. In its quest for the black and white outcomes of “guilty/not guilty”, it is perhaps not surprising that the legal system has become affected by the dominant reductionist narrative of positivism. Positivist politics have been enforced though both the technicalities...
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0:51 +Q

Fake art, bad science and what we can learn from using systems thinking to examine the mechanics of law

Stemming from the Enlightenment period, science has come to be viewed as the best way to establish truth from an objective standpoint. In its quest for the black and white outcomes of “guilty/not guilty”, it is perhaps not surprising that the legal system has become affected by the dominant reductionist narrative of positivism. Positivist politics have been enforced though both the technicalities...
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Systems Practice: How to Act: In situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate-change world

RRP: £59.99 Hardback: ‎ 374 pp Publisher: ‎ Springer; 2nd ed. 2017 edition; ISBN 978-1447173502 This book shows how to do systems thinking and translate that thinking into praxis (theory informed practical action). It will be welcomed by those managing or governing in situations of complexity and uncertainty across all domains of professional and personal life. The development of capabilities to...
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Systems Practice: How to Act: In situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate-change world

RRP: £59.99 Hardback: ‎ 374 pp Publisher: ‎ Springer; 2nd ed. 2017 edition; ISBN 978-1447173502 This book shows how to do systems thinking and translate that thinking into praxis (theory informed practical action). It will be welcomed by those managing or governing in situations of complexity and uncertainty across all domains of professional and personal life. The development of capabilities to...
0:36+0:20 +Q

A Map To Think “Systemically” About What Is Not Yet There

The fourth industrial revolution is powered by cognitive computing, which automates many aspects of the human intellect. Algorithms are increasingly capable of identifying connections, patterns and co-evolution in big data, enabling us to make sense from a systemic perspective. At the same time complexity is paralyzing innovation in ecosystems. It is more and more difficult to describe...
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0:36+0:20 +Q

A Map To Think “Systemically” About What Is Not Yet There

The fourth industrial revolution is powered by cognitive computing, which automates many aspects of the human intellect. Algorithms are increasingly capable of identifying connections, patterns and co-evolution in big data, enabling us to make sense from a systemic perspective. At the same time complexity is paralyzing innovation in ecosystems. It is more and more difficult to describe...
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Making it Personal: Viable Systems, NLP & A Body-Mind of Knowledge

Gregory Bateson’s influence reaches deep into the fabric of NLP which can be defined in essence as ‘the study of the structure of subjective experience’. All its major techniques are based on cybernetic principles. We will explore some key systemic NLP concepts and what these might offer the conversation between the inner world of the individual and the larger systems that form its life conditions...
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Making it Personal: Viable Systems, NLP & A Body-Mind of Knowledge

Gregory Bateson’s influence reaches deep into the fabric of NLP which can be defined in essence as ‘the study of the structure of subjective experience’. All its major techniques are based on cybernetic principles. We will explore some key systemic NLP concepts and what these might offer the conversation between the inner world of the individual and the larger systems that form its life conditions...
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An Ecology of Health

We refer to 'healthcare' as a system, suggestive of structures and boundaries. What can we take health to mean beyond healthcare? Are our efforts to create 'person centred healthcare' simply a matter of re-drawing organisational charts with patients at the middle? If we define patient as a person in the care of a health professional, are we increasing reliance on a system geared toward the...
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An Ecology of Health

We refer to 'healthcare' as a system, suggestive of structures and boundaries. What can we take health to mean beyond healthcare? Are our efforts to create 'person centred healthcare' simply a matter of re-drawing organisational charts with patients at the middle? If we define patient as a person in the care of a health professional, are we increasing reliance on a system geared toward the...
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Thinking Systemically - what is it and how might diagramming help?

In this session, I wish to explore 3 themes (1) the nature of 'thinking systemically' (2) the role of critical reflection in thinking systemically (3) the interplay between use of diagramming, critical reflection and thinking systemically. The approach will be a mix of presentation and participant discussion. I will present some of my own thoughts on each theme, and at intervals ask participants...
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Thinking Systemically - what is it and how might diagramming help?

In this session, I wish to explore 3 themes (1) the nature of 'thinking systemically' (2) the role of critical reflection in thinking systemically (3) the interplay between use of diagramming, critical reflection and thinking systemically. The approach will be a mix of presentation and participant discussion. I will present some of my own thoughts on each theme, and at intervals ask participants...
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Miles Runs the Gurus Down: what we can learn from Miles Davis

Miles Davis merely changed the face of music 4 or 5 times in his career. To be a successful jazz musician and leader is a challenge; to sustain that over more than 30 years is astonishing.
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Miles Runs the Gurus Down: what we can learn from Miles Davis

Miles Davis merely changed the face of music 4 or 5 times in his career. To be a successful jazz musician and leader is a challenge; to sustain that over more than 30 years is astonishing.
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0:28 +Q

From Maidstone to Vilnius: A practitioner’s journey into theory with the VSM

Mike is a currently a consultant supporting ‘transformational’ projects in UK local government. His previous career has included roles in the Civil Service, Higher Education and a range of Local Authorities, including as Head of Performance & Risk at Swindon Council and Senior Business Change Manager at Trafford Council. Mike has also followed the well-trodden path of the Open University STiP...
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0:28 +Q

From Maidstone to Vilnius: A practitioner’s journey into theory with the VSM

Mike is a currently a consultant supporting ‘transformational’ projects in UK local government. His previous career has included roles in the Civil Service, Higher Education and a range of Local Authorities, including as Head of Performance & Risk at Swindon Council and Senior Business Change Manager at Trafford Council. Mike has also followed the well-trodden path of the Open University STiP...
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0:59 +Q

Systems Thinking and Doing in Defence – the misadventures of a boundary spanner and other experiments

Adoption of systems thinking and systems approaches in a hierarchical public sector organisation such as defence can be challenging.
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0:59 +Q

Systems Thinking and Doing in Defence – the misadventures of a boundary spanner and other experiments

Adoption of systems thinking and systems approaches in a hierarchical public sector organisation such as defence can be challenging.
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From Maidstone to Vilnius: A practitioner’s journey into theory with the VSM

Mike is a currently a consultant supporting ‘transformational’ projects in UK local government. His previous career has included roles in the Civil Service, Higher Education and a range of Local Authorities, including as Head of Performance & Risk at Swindon Council and Senior Business Change Manager at Trafford Council. Mike has also followed the well-trodden path of the Open University STiP...
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From Maidstone to Vilnius: A practitioner’s journey into theory with the VSM

Mike is a currently a consultant supporting ‘transformational’ projects in UK local government. His previous career has included roles in the Civil Service, Higher Education and a range of Local Authorities, including as Head of Performance & Risk at Swindon Council and Senior Business Change Manager at Trafford Council. Mike has also followed the well-trodden path of the Open University STiP...
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0:25 +Q

Organisational Decision Making: What lies beneath managers’ decisions

Natalie Marguet is currently a PhD student at Alliance Manchester Business School. The session focuses on an emergent and unexpected finding of her PhD that is aligned with VSM.
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0:25 +Q

Organisational Decision Making: What lies beneath managers’ decisions

Natalie Marguet is currently a PhD student at Alliance Manchester Business School. The session focuses on an emergent and unexpected finding of her PhD that is aligned with VSM.
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The Search for Viability: A practitioner's view of how the Viable Systems Model is helping transform English local government (and why it has passed unrecognised)

Since 2010, local authorities in England have experienced an unprecedented reduction in their resourcing at a time when demands on services have risen substantially through social and demographic changes. Faced with such external challenges, various Councils' internal transformations have sought to change the organisation as a system, but also to alter the relationship with the environment. These...
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The Search for Viability: A practitioner's view of how the Viable Systems Model is helping transform English local government (and why it has passed unrecognised)

Since 2010, local authorities in England have experienced an unprecedented reduction in their resourcing at a time when demands on services have risen substantially through social and demographic changes. Faced with such external challenges, various Councils' internal transformations have sought to change the organisation as a system, but also to alter the relationship with the environment. These...

The Little Book of Beyond Budgeting: A New Operating System for Organisations: What it is and Why it Works

RRP: £12.99; Paperback: ‎ 96 pp; Publisher: ‎ Matador; Language: ‎ English; ISBN: ‎ 9781785899287 It is difficult to think of a business process that is as widely unpopular, dysfunctional and discredited as traditional budgeting, yet businesses carry on doing it because they believe that there is no alternative . But there is - yet over a decade after the creation of the Beyond Budgeting movement...
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The Little Book of Beyond Budgeting: A New Operating System for Organisations: What it is and Why it Works

RRP: £12.99; Paperback: ‎ 96 pp; Publisher: ‎ Matador; Language: ‎ English; ISBN: ‎ 9781785899287 It is difficult to think of a business process that is as widely unpopular, dysfunctional and discredited as traditional budgeting, yet businesses carry on doing it because they believe that there is no alternative . But there is - yet over a decade after the creation of the Beyond Budgeting movement...

Unified Service Management: An Introduction to the USM Method

RRP: £36.55 Paperback: ‎ 204 pp Publisher: ‎ Inform-IT, Knowledge Center for Service Management Language: ‎ English ISBN: ‎ 978-9491710353 USM is a universal, methodical way of managing service delivery. The USM method provides a standardized management system for a service organization to manage its people, its resources, its routines, and its services. USM can be used in all service...
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Unified Service Management: An Introduction to the USM Method

RRP: £36.55 Paperback: ‎ 204 pp Publisher: ‎ Inform-IT, Knowledge Center for Service Management Language: ‎ English ISBN: ‎ 978-9491710353 USM is a universal, methodical way of managing service delivery. The USM method provides a standardized management system for a service organization to manage its people, its resources, its routines, and its services. USM can be used in all service...

Creating living strategies in a complex world: Implementing cybernetics to create the social capital needed for sustainable success.

In a fast-moving and complex world we need to make speedy decisions involving a large number of business perspectives. We need to co-ordinate a large number of activities to deliver on those decisions. We need all these elements to be bound by a common purpose, to ensure the buy-in of all those involved. Rather than, as in the past, sticking rigidly to “strategic” plans defined at the start of a...
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Creating living strategies in a complex world: Implementing cybernetics to create the social capital needed for sustainable success.

In a fast-moving and complex world we need to make speedy decisions involving a large number of business perspectives. We need to co-ordinate a large number of activities to deliver on those decisions. We need all these elements to be bound by a common purpose, to ensure the buy-in of all those involved. Rather than, as in the past, sticking rigidly to “strategic” plans defined at the start of a...
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Ladder of Abstraction

This short presentation will give an overview of the Ladder of Abstraction, a simple but effective tool for helping practitioners and their customers identify the most appropriate level at which to tackle a stated problem and explore a broader range of potential solutions. A real example will be worked through to demonstrate its application.
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Confidential – Members Only

Ladder of Abstraction

This short presentation will give an overview of the Ladder of Abstraction, a simple but effective tool for helping practitioners and their customers identify the most appropriate level at which to tackle a stated problem and explore a broader range of potential solutions. A real example will be worked through to demonstrate its application.
Confidential – Members Only

Patterns of Strategy

Patterns of Strategy has been described as: “the first major new approach to strategy in a long time.”* It is also the first systems approach developed specifically for understanding and formulating strategy. This extended session will introduce the Patterns of Strategy approach, some of the systems theory behind it and then we’ll move into a practical workshop where the participants will use the...
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Patterns of Strategy

Patterns of Strategy has been described as: “the first major new approach to strategy in a long time.”* It is also the first systems approach developed specifically for understanding and formulating strategy. This extended session will introduce the Patterns of Strategy approach, some of the systems theory behind it and then we’ll move into a practical workshop where the participants will use the...
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