Wrangling wicked business problems - Special Development Event
The February event is a 'special', with Kim Warren - Systems Dynamics specialist and trainer - attending and participating.
Wrangling wicked business problems
Some big challenges for business are viewed as ‘wicked’, because they have no single
objective - like “grow our profits 10% next year” - are multi-faceted, involved multiple stake-
holders with diverse interests, and have no “right answer”. Examples include organisational
change and improving social and environmental impacts. (We are actually lucky in the
business domain. These challenges are much bigger in social policy and other settings!). But
such wicked problems are tractable. Any enterprise is a working system that we designed
and now manage. So we can capture how that system works in relatively simple models that
replicate not only the system’s outputs (e.g. profits) but also how every element of the
system changes over time – a kind of “digital twin”. Stakeholders can then jointly explore the
system’s behaviour, balance multiple objectives, and negotiate a mutually acceptable
strategy for tackling the challenge.
Event Resources
There are no resources currently associated with this event.