Why use Patterns of Strategy (PoS)?

Patterns of Strategy (PoS) is a real-time, adaptive approach to planning and executing strategy, continuously refining actions by relating to markets, competitors, partners, and regulators, unlike traditional annual approaches to strategy.

Unlike traditional approaches that rely on annual assessments made in isolation, POS enables continuous operational adjustments and reorientation based on the developing situation.

Patterns of Strategy has been described as: “the first major new approach to strategy in a long time.”* It is also the first systems approach developed specifically for understanding and formulating strategy.

What is Patterns of Strategy?

Patterns of Strategy is a dynamic approach to developing and adapting strategy in real time. It views strategy as a systemic opportunity for positive action and continuous improvement. 

By relating our actions to those of markets, competitors, partners, and regulators, and continuously assessing each player's fit, and use of power and time, within the ecosystem, POS enables us to define, adapt and refine our strategies dynamically. 

PoS intro
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Patterns of Strategy

introduction (PoS1 - 1d)

£200 pre-recorded Patrick Hoverstadt
This course provides learners with an overview of the Patterns of Strategy approach. Patterns of Strategy is a revolutionary approach to developing business strategy. It’s effective and simple to use, yet extremely powerful. Conventional approaches to strategy fail to deliver than 70% of the time (and more than 90%, according to some surveys) because they don’t take into account the systemic
PoS intro
Patterns of Strategy

introduction (PoS1 - 1d)

This course provides learners with an overview of the Patterns of Strategy approach. Patterns of Strategy is a revolutionary approach to developing business strategy. It’s effective and simple to use, yet extremely powerful. Conventional approaches to strategy fail to deliver than 70% of the time (and more than 90%, according to some surveys) because they don’t take into account the systemic...
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Course is online
£200 pre-recorded
£200 pre-recorded
PoS core
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Patterns of Strategy

core (PoS2 - 1d)

£200 pre-recorded Patrick Hoverstadt
This is the first of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS2, we continue building skill in its use by exploring strategy in different relationships and from different perspectives. You might be interested in X
PoS core
Patterns of Strategy

core (PoS2 - 1d)

This is the first of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS2, we continue building skill in its use by exploring strategy in different relationships and from different perspectives. You might be interested in X...
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Course is online
£200 pre-recorded
£200 pre-recorded
PoS core
coming soon
Patterns of Strategy

core (PoS3 - 1d)

Patrick Hoverstadt
This is the second of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS3, we’ll explain how to handle the practicalities of moving from strategy development to planning and execution. That includes a sequenced plan overtly
PoS core
Patterns of Strategy

core (PoS3 - 1d)

This is the second of two core modules of PoS that build on the learning from Patterns of Strategy foundation (PoS1). Patterns of Strategy is a systemic approach to strategy that reveals and utilises the hidden drivers of emergent strategy. In PoS3, we’ll explain how to handle the practicalities of moving from strategy development to planning and execution. That includes a sequenced plan overtly...
coming soon
Course is online

All courses will be available in a pre-recorded form at £200 per nominal day.

For groups, they can also be delivered as webinars at £500 per day per trainee

For organisations they can also be delivered face-to-face with terms negotiable

Book and Presentations on PoS


Patterns of Strategy

RRP: £22.21 Paperback: 406 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (9 Dec. 2016) ISBN-10: 1138242675 Patterns of Strategy shows how the strategic fit between organisations drives strategic direction. It is essential reading for those who wish to understand how to manoeuvre their organisation to change its strategic fit to their advantage. The 80 ‘patterns’ of strategy help you explore options for...
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Patterns of Strategy

RRP: £22.21 Paperback: 406 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (9 Dec. 2016) ISBN-10: 1138242675 Patterns of Strategy shows how the strategic fit between organisations drives strategic direction. It is essential reading for those who wish to understand how to manoeuvre their organisation to change its strategic fit to their advantage. The 80 ‘patterns’ of strategy help you explore options for...
1:04 +Q

Patterns of Strategy

Patrick introduces us to how the strategic fit between organizations drives their strategic direction. His work, which he developed together with Lucy Loh, is the first significant new approach to strategy in a long time. He unfolds a vital perspective for those who wish to understand how to maneuver their organization to change its strategic fit to their advantage. The framework allows one to...
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1:04 +Q

Patterns of Strategy

Patrick introduces us to how the strategic fit between organizations drives their strategic direction. His work, which he developed together with Lucy Loh, is the first significant new approach to strategy in a long time. He unfolds a vital perspective for those who wish to understand how to maneuver their organization to change its strategic fit to their advantage. The framework allows one to...
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Patterns of Strategy

Patterns of Strategy has been described as: “the first major new approach to strategy in a long time.”* It is also the first systems approach developed specifically for understanding and formulating strategy. This extended session will introduce the Patterns of Strategy approach, some of the systems theory behind it and then we’ll move into a practical workshop where the participants will use the...
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Patterns of Strategy

Patterns of Strategy has been described as: “the first major new approach to strategy in a long time.”* It is also the first systems approach developed specifically for understanding and formulating strategy. This extended session will introduce the Patterns of Strategy approach, some of the systems theory behind it and then we’ll move into a practical workshop where the participants will use the...
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