
Systemic evaluation in an uncertain world

November 2024

Evaluation is…

"a way of thinking (and acting) that will not only aid your effectiveness, but also improve your capacity to make good decisions in your ordinary life" (based on Wadsworth, 2011).

Why bother about 'evaluation'?

Many of us are familiar with evaluation as a tool used in public policy to assess policies, programmes, projects and other interventions. Governments and public institutions require evaluation as part of performance measurement and accountability, and a whole industry exists around demand and supply to fulfil these evaluation requirements.

At the same time, there is a growing recognition that 'end-point' evaluation of 'interventions' is becoming increasingly redundant.

A shift is needed towards more systemic evaluation, to move beyond certainty in programme evaluation and to better deal with the complexities of policies in the face of increasingly ‘wicked problems’.

What shifts are needed, and how can systems thinking and practice contribute to make these shifts happen in how public policies are designed, implemented and evaluated, towards more systemic policymaking?

Barbara will provide a short presentation and there will be plenty of time for discussion and deliberation.

Barbara Schmidt-Abbey is an evaluator and systems practitioner, with over 30 years professional and organisational experience at EU level.

SCiO is the international systems practitioners organisation and this event is run by SCiO Ireland.

This session will be recorded, and participation will imply consent.

(c) Image by Michael Leunig 1985 (used in Open University Open Learn course: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/digital-computing/managing-complexity-a-systems-approach-introduction/content-section-11.1) Under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)

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SCiO Ireland
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